From April 23-26 at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society in San Francisco, CA, Texas State undergraduates Omalys Biggs Rodriguez and Jazmyn Zynda and MAPR student Cheryl Fox presented their research with their mentor, Dr. Westerberg. Omalys and Jazmyn presented “Mood prior to sleep influences the selectivity of … More Conference Presentations in San Francisco
All articles in Poster Presentation
Congratulations to Jazmyn, Cheryl, & Omalys!!
At Psychology Day 2022 for Texas State University, our chief graduate student Cheryl Fox won Best Graduate Poster for the poster, “Does sleep-dependent memory consolidation contribute to the negative memory bias in individuals with a high number of depressive symptoms?” Also, two of our undergraduate research assistants, Jazmyn Zynda and … More Congratulations to Jazmyn, Cheryl, & Omalys!!
Congratulations to Michael!
From April 5-8, the 2022 International Research Conference for Graduate Students took place here at Texas State University. Over 60 posters and presentations were submitted for the conference and one of our own, Michael Price, won Honorable Mention for the Master’s Category for his presentation, “Changes in Dream Intensity and … More Congratulations to Michael!
Dr. Westerberg presents at the Psychonomic Society 2020 Annual Meeting…
November 21st was day three of the annual Psychonomic Society meeting. This morning we had the privilege of hearing Dr. Westerberg present information about the current research she is conducting, looking at sleep physiology and its possible contribution to Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). Memory consolidation is dependent on sleep, … More Dr. Westerberg presents at the Psychonomic Society 2020 Annual Meeting…
Congratulations Anna!
Congratulations to Shelby Rubino and Chloe Troupe for winning best poster and runner up, respectively, in the undergraduate division at Texas State University’s Psychology Day 2019!
Poster Presentation
Congratulations to Sean Fickle and Chloe Troupe, whose poster “Sleep Facilitates Analogical Transfer in Problem Solving” was successfully presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in New Orleans, LA, on November 17, 2018.
Congratulations to Nathan Wofford for winning first place in the undergraduate division for his poster “Effects of a Brief Nap on Stress” on Psychology Day, April 23, 2018. To learn more about his study, please visit
Congratulations to Sean Fickle for being runner up in the graduate student division for his poster on “Sleep Facilitates Analogical Transfer in Problem Solving” on Psychology Day, April 23, 2018. To learn more about his poster, please visit